NABA's Technology Department is conducting monthly technology training every second Tuesday of the month from 1 -3 pm at NABA 301 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY. Trainings are free of charge to the blind and visually impaired.
The purpose of the training is to assist people with vision impairment to better access their technology devices such as Windows laptops, iPads and iPhones. NABA technology staff are highly-trained and experienced to address issues related to vision impairment when using these devices.
NABA technoolgoy staff are currently working with students to help learn the basics of device navigation; maximize access to technology on their devices as well as discover additional accessibility options. Trainings started in May and have been very well received.
NEW TRAINERS WELCOME! NABA welcomes volunteer technology trainers. The more trainers there are, the more people that can be helped. If you don't have the skills yet to be a trainer, NABA technology staff can work with you to help you get there.
For more information, go to